iOS CSS Clamp and Transforms broken -- [Question Asked]


On a little frontend I developed in Vue ^3.0.0 for an API, I ran across the issue where after I deployed it I started getting complaints from people saying the site doesn’t work on mobile. I knew it had to be safari so I loaded it up on an iPad I had lying around and yep, It absolutely decimated the site. This is the site. I have tested this on an iOS12.5.5 device and the problem also occurs on an iOS15.1 device.

CSS properties like:

width: clamp(325px, 30vmax, 575px);
height: clamp(40px, 3vmax, 57.5px);

Will give an invalid property value warning (and not work at all) unless I change them to:

min-width: 325px;
width: 30vmax;
max-width: 575px;
min-height: 40px;
height: 3vmax;
max-height: 57.5px;

Which I find ridiculous as every other browser I’ve tested works perfectly fine. The biggest problem being that I use these clamp functions on fonts as well, so they just break for good.

Also, you might notice that for example the placeholder text inside of the search bar isn’t centered at all on safari. I center this item absolutely as the font itself is off-center and it breaks only on safari as far as I know. This is the ccs I use to center it:

input {
  position: relative

input::placeholder {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% + 2px));

This actually demotivates me a lot, I don’t understand why there’s a difference in the first place, why no-one else is complaining about this and this just makes me want to scrap safari support altogether.


Also just figured out this happens on chrome for iOS as well.


There’s no good solution to the clamp problem as far as I know but it can be addressed as follows:

iOS devices / the mobile browsers for iOS struggle with the clamp method, but there is a workaround / fallback which works in most cases. For me it didn’t entirely fix the problem because they aren’t identical in behaviour. But if you have a clamp function

clamp(a, b, c)

You can use the following as a workaround:

max(a, min(b, c))

So for a width and height value use something like this:

width: max(325px, min(30vmax, 575px));
width: clamp(325px, 30vmax, 575px);
height: max(40px, min(3vmax, 57.5px));
height: clamp(40px, 3vmax, 57.5px);

This also works for other properties likes fonts

The transform issue in input::placeholder elements was something I couldn’t fix so I scrapped it, even after trying to use:

-o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

Answered By – Keimpe Rauwerda

This Answer collected from stackoverflow, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0

Posted in CSS

What is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets, affectionately alluded to as CSS, is a basic plan language expected to work on the most common way of making website pages satisfactory.

CSS handles the look and feel a piece of a site page. Utilizing CSS, you have some control over the shade of the text, the style of text styles, the dispersing between passages, how segments are measured and spread out, what foundation pictures or tones are utilized, design designs,variations in show for various gadgets and screen sizes as well as different impacts.

CSS represents Cascading Style Sheets. It is a template language which is utilized to depict the look and organizing of a report written in markup language. It gives an extra component to HTML. It is for the most part utilized with HTML to change the style of website pages and UIs.

CSS is not difficult to learn and see however it gives strong command over the introduction of a HTML archive. Most normally, CSS is joined with the markup dialects HTML or XHTML.

Before CSS, labels like textual style, variety, foundation style, component arrangements, boundary and size must be rehashed on each website page. This was an extremely lengthy interaction. For instance: If you are fostering a huge site where textual styles and variety data are added on each and every page, it will be turned into a long and costly cycle. CSS was made to tackle this issue. It was a W3C suggestion.

CSS is utilized alongside HTML and JavaScript in many sites to make UIs for web applications and UIs for the majority versatile applications.
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Answer collected from stackoverflow and other sources, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0