how to create a pivot array in php -- [Question Asked]


I have the following :

   $data = [
  {model_num : "ABC", revision : "AA", "testRecipeID":85, value : 31.25, treatment : 'Pressure' },
  {model_num : "ABC", revision : "AA", "testRecipeID":85, value : 31.25, treatment : 'Gas' },
  {model_num : "ABC", revision : "AA", "testRecipeID":85, value : 33.12, treatment : 'Temp' },
  {model_num : "ABC", revision : "AA", "testRecipeID":85, value : 25.87, treatment : 'Current' },
  {model_num : "ABC", revision : "AB", "testRecipeID":86, value : 26.63, treatment : 'Pressure' },
  {model_num : "ABC", revision : "AB", "testRecipeID":86, value : 26.00, treatment : 'Gas' },
  {model_num : "ABC", revision : "AB", "testRecipeID":86, value : 23.75, treatment : 'Temp' }

and i would like to end up with something like this:

var data=[{model_num : "ABC", revision : "AA", "testRecipeID":85, "Pressure":31.25, "Gas":31.25, "Temp": 33.12,"Current":25.87 },{model_num : "ABC", revision : "AB", "testRecipeID":86, "Gas":26.00,"Temp":23.75}]

I know how to do this in JS but not on PHP and it turns out I need to do it in my php so that I can process the large amounts of data that I have. I have this based on another question that I found but It doesn’t work it returns a 0

$table = array();
$round_names = array();
$total = array();

foreach ($data as $score)
    $round_names[] = $score->treatment;
    $table[$score->testRecipeID][$score->treatment] = $score->value;
    $total[$score->testRecipeID] += $score->value;


$round_names = array_unique($round_names);

foreach ($table as $player => $rounds)
    echo "$player\t";
    foreach ($round_names as $round)
        echo "$rounds[$round]\t";
    echo "$total[$player]\n";

any help will be greatly appreciated!

this is how i do it in JS

var result = [];
data.forEach(function(e) {
  var a = e.model_num + '|' + e.revision+ '|'e.recipeID;
   if(!this[a]) {
    this[a] = {model_num: e.model_num, revision: e.revision, recipeID: e.recipeID}
  this[a][e.treatment] = e.value;
}, {});

Answer we found from sources

This is your JS function in PHP

$data = '[
{"model_num" : "ABC", "revision" : "AA", "testRecipeID":85, "value" : 31.25, "treatment" : "Pressure" },
{"model_num" : "ABC", "revision" : "AA", "testRecipeID":85, "value" : 31.25, "treatment" : "Gas" },
{"model_num" : "ABC", "revision" : "AA", "testRecipeID":85, "value" : 33.12, "treatment" : "Temp" },
{"model_num" : "ABC", "revision" : "AA", "testRecipeID":85, "value" : 25.87, "treatment" : "Current" },
{"model_num" : "ABC", "revision" : "AB", "testRecipeID":86, "value" : 26.63, "treatment" : "Pressure" },
{"model_num" : "ABC", "revision" : "AB", "testRecipeID":86, "value" : 26.00, "treatment" : "Gas" },
{"model_num" : "ABC", "revision" : "AB", "testRecipeID":86, "value" : 23.75, "treatment" : "Temp" }

$data = json_decode($data);
$result = [];
foreach ($data as $row) {
    $a = $row->model_num . '|' . $row->revision . '|' . $row->testRecipeID;
    if (! array_key_exists($a, $result)) {
        $result[$a] = [
            'model_num' => $row->model_num,
            'revision' => $row->revision,
            'testRecipeID' => $row->testRecipeID

Answered By – mazedlx

This Answer collected from stackoverflow, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0

Posted in PHP

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Answer collected from stackoverflow and other sources, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0