what is the success response after a transaction with square up php process payment -- [Question Asked]


i am recieveing this response after a transaction but i am not able to find the success or failure response,also i am not aware of the flow please correct me if i am wrong,

  1. we have a sandbox account on square up we have an ecommerce web.

  2. store with buy now option after submitting the form with nounce and
    correction location id we are moved to process payments file where.

  3. it displays the response after a transaction is made.


SquareConnect\Model\ChargeResponse Object
[errors:protected] => 
[transaction:protected] => SquareConnect\Model\Transaction Object
        [id:protected] => 1d034209-12cf-5d13-72f4-62247bb49132
        [location_id:protected] => CBASEB5G76QcIpEWB0w38Mi2vWUgAQ
        [created_at:protected] => 2017-07-27T05:45:34Z
        [tenders:protected] => Array
                [0] => SquareConnect\Model\Tender Object
                        [id:protected] => 675e208b-caf3-5f11-7482-1eacff13da64
                        [location_id:protected] => CBASEB5G76QcIpEWB0w38Mi2vWUgAQ
                        [transaction_id:protected] => 1d034209-12cf-5d13-72f4-62247bb49132
                        [created_at:protected] => 2017-07-27T05:45:34Z
                        [note:protected] => Online Transaction
                        [amount_money:protected] => SquareConnect\Model\Money Object
                                [amount:protected] => 100
                                [currency:protected] => USD

                        [processing_fee_money:protected] => 
                        [customer_id:protected] => 
                        [type:protected] => CARD
                        [card_details:protected] => SquareConnect\Model\TenderCardDetails Object
                                [status:protected] => CAPTURED
                                [card:protected] => SquareConnect\Model\Card Object
                                        [id:protected] => 
                                        [card_brand:protected] => DISCOVER
                                        [last_4:protected] => 9697
                                        [exp_month:protected] => 
                                        [exp_year:protected] => 
                                        [cardholder_name:protected] => 
                                        [billing_address:protected] => 
                                        [fingerprint:protected] => 

                                [entry_method:protected] => KEYED

                        [cash_details:protected] => 


        [refunds:protected] => 
        [reference_id:protected] => 
        [product:protected] => EXTERNAL_API
        [client_id:protected] => 
        [order:protected] => 
        [shipping_address:protected] => 

Answer we found from sources

If you get a transaction back, then your request was successful. If you get errors back, your request was not successful.

Answered By – tristansokol

This Answer collected from stackoverflow, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0

Posted in PHP

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